Still Life (Drapery Study) - Charcoal/Graphite
Still Life (Toned Paper Study) - Conte Crayon
Figure Drawing - Graphite
Worms Eye/Three Point Perspective Architectural Study (Toned Paper) - Conte Crayons
Self Portrait - Digital Drawing/Painting
As we know, when an object is in a body at constant speed it behaves as it would if the body were at rest. However, when the force of acceleration acts upon the object it tends to move backwards. This piece shows a lightbulb moving backwards and an arm reaching forwards, where the lightbulb represents our comfort zone and the arm represents us reaching for our goals. Achieving our greatest goals and ambitions is not an easy task and requires one to step out of their comfort zone. This is why the piece shows an individual reaching to the darkness, away from the comfort zone as they accelerate toward their goals.
Trompe L'oeil - "Conquer" 

"Trompe-l'œil (French for deceive the eye), which can also be spelled without the hyphen in English as trompe l'oeil, is an art technique that uses realistic imagery to create the optical illusion that depicted objects exist in three dimensions." My concept for this assignment was based of 'artist's block". It took me quite long time to come up with an idea for the drawing, but as my deadline was closing in on me, the large pile of scrapped design ideas by my table had finally given me a concept to work on. This piece, starting with only one layer, now has three. Depth. Surface. Protrusion.
Thank you for watching, dont forget to leave an appreciation! - Swar Sahgal


A series of drawings I am putting in my portfolio for college.
